Stroud Parish Church
Saint Laurence

Previous Festivals

Community Christmas Tree Festival
2005 - 2019

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Festival in 2006
Trees displayed by:
Our second Festival was held in 2006. We had 48 decorated trees in the Church, some were displayed at pew height and the rest at floor level. We invited as our special guest, Mrs Alison Perham, the wife of Bishop Michael Perham to switch on the tree lights at our preview event. Again we thanked all who took part!
5th Stroud St Lawrence Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
All Saints Uplands, Choir
Amnesty International Mid-Glos Group
Bible Study Group
Care and Repair (Stroud) Ltd
Christian Centre Book Shop
Clockwise (St Laurence Clock Keeper)
Cotswold Sewing and Knitting Machines
Festival Organisers
Fish Club (Uplands After School Club)
Grove Park Sheltered Housing
Holiday Club
Holy Trinity Church, Slad
Home-Start Stroud & Dursley
Pink Square
President of Stroud Town Guides
Revd Canon Barry Coker, Vicar of St Laurence
Rotary Club and Inner Wheel Club of Stroud
Shambles Indoor Market Traders
Snow Business
St John The Baptist Church, Randwick
Stroud and Swindon Building Society
Stroud Evening Townswomen’s Guild
St Laurence Bell Ringers
St Laurence Congregation
St Laurence Director of Music
St Laurence Flower Arrangers
St Laurence Junior Choir
St Laurence Sidesmen
Stroud High School
Stroud In Bloom
Stroud Local History Society
Stroud Quakers
Stroud Town Council
Stroud Town Guiding
Stroud Video Makers
Thursday Lunch Club
Uplands Mothers Union
Whiteshill and Paganhill Churches
Why Waste
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